How to protect yourself from the Conficker virus and others…

The latest Conficker virus variant will begin checking for a payload to download on April 1, 2009.  Here are a few steps you can take to make sure your computer is safe against this and other viruses:

Symptoms of infection:

  • Account lockout policies being reset automatically.
  • Certain Microsoft Windows services such as Automatic Updates, Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), Windows Defender and Error Reporting Services disabled.
  • Domain controllers responding slowly to client requests.
  • Congestion on local area networks.
  • Web sites related to antivirus software becoming inaccessible.

Quick tests to see if you are infected:

Multiple network adapters on OS X gotcha!

A few days ago I was touting one big benefit of OS X was that you could be on multiple IP subnets simultaneously.  Today I’m writing to let you know that this still works, but beware of the dumb mac users who try this…

Today I was trying to VPN into one of my clients networks.  The PPTP VPN connection would connect, but no traffic was sent.  I glanced in the Console in OS X and found this:

3/19/09 3/19/09, 9:58:07 PM pppd[1555] route_interface: write routing socket failed, File exists

After googling “route_interface: write routing socket failed, File exists” a bit, it dawned on me, that the second Ethernet interface I added the other day, was on the same subnet as my clients remote network.  So the PPTP VPN wouldn’t pass any traffic.  Once I disabled (or I could have changed IP addresses) the second Ethernet interface, the PPTP VPN started working perfectly again!

Howto find the bundle identifier for VoipOver3g on iPhone

Problem:  So your paying AT&T plenty of money to use their slow, spotty, 3g network.  AT&T and Apple have gotten together to tell you what apps can and can NOT use 3g data.  One of your apps that you need to use anywhere is only allowed to access the internet via WiFi.

Solution:  Jailbreak your iPhone and install VoipOver3g via Cydia.  VoipOver3g will trick your apps into thinking they are using WiFi, when really only 3g is available.  To tell VoipOver3g which apps to allow you need to add the bundle identifier to the /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/VoIPover3G.plist on your iPhone.

How to find an applications bundle identifier:

  • ssh into your iPhone
  • cd /User/Applications
  • find . |grep appname
  • cd into the long folder name
  • cd in
  • nano Info.plist
  • find <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
  • key should be just below it: <string>com.vnetcorp.sipphone</string>
  • nano /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/VoIPover3G.plist  and add to list

Simply add that string to your /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/VoIPover3G.plist, reboot the phone, and that application should now be able to access the internet over 3g!

How to send large files without email attachments

Problem:  You want to send someone a large file but your email provider doesn’t allow attachments over a certain size.

Solution (in no particular order):


These service providers allow you to upload a file.  You get a web link to that file, which you can email or IM to the person you wish to download the file.  That person simply clicks on the link, and begins the file download.

NOTE:  Most of these sharing sites do not authenticate the downloader.  This means that if someone guesses the URL of your file, they too can download it.  While this is not likely, it should be something you are aware of.  You can add another layer of security by zipping the file with a password, or encrypting the file before uploading.

Problems with IMAP or POP and gmail or google hosted email?

I have a few users who get errors when trying to IMAP or POP their mail from google hosted (gmail users can also run into this problem).  If your settings are correct and everything was working and has just stopped, you may need to un-lock your account via Captcha.

Exactly how accounts get locked is a bit of a mystery.  Although, I have a feeling it has to do with checking an email account too frequently, and maybe from multiple devices coming from a single IP address.

For the solution please follow the steps below to resolve the problem:

  1. Disable all mail clients you’re using to read Gmail messages. (If you use one at work and one at home, please disable both.)
  2. From the computer on which your logins are failing, visit
  3. Enter your Gmail username and password, and the letters in the distorted picture.
  4. Once you have successfully logged in, restart your mail client and try to download your mail.

If you’re using a Google Apps email address, please instead follow the steps below:

  1. Disable all mail clients you’re using to read mail. (If you use one at work and one at home, please disable both.)
  2. From the computer on which your logins are failing, visit[your domain].com/UnlockCaptcha. Be sure to fill in your domain name in the URL.
  3. Enter your email username and password, and the letters in the distorted picture.
  4. Once you have successfully logged in, restart your mail client and try to download your mail.


Solve the “volume can’t be ejected because it is in use” problem

Occasionally I run into the error message that a volume can’t be ejected because it is in use.  Even though I don’t actively have anything being used on the share.  Today I got fed up with the error and decided to find a solution.

  • Application:  lsof – list open files
  • Usage:  lsof | grep sharename
  • Example lsof | grep files

This will return a list of open files on that share.  You can then close the application that is holding the file open by either using the “Activity Monitor” or issuing a kill -9 PID.


How to be on multiple IP subnets simultaneously….on a Mac!

I am constantly configuring firewalls and wireless access points for clients.  It has always been a pain to have to go offline for a while, while I switch the computer to use a different IP address while I’m configuring the device.  Today I was put in the same situation, except this time I’m using a Mac, and have a solution!

Its very simple, this is how its done:

  • Go to System Preferences, Network
  • Click the + symbol at the bottom of the device list to create a new interface
  • On the interface selection, choose ethernet
  • In the Service Name section, enter whatever you want to call the second interface, in my case Ethernet 2

Thats it!  Your done.  You can now configure the new interface to use whatever IP address you want and configure your device without leaving your native network.  Of course, this can also be done using your wireless interface as well.