Category Archives: Uncategorized

Are your passwords secure?

Is this how your passwords are stored?  

The 2 most important ways to keep your IT infrastructure secure is

  • Keep your software patched
  • Using good password practices

If you subscribe to our MSP plan, you are already ahead of the game and your systems should be updated/patched. But what about your passwords?

The BIGGEST problem is passwords REUSE. Let me be clear, reusing passwords ANYWHERE is the security kiss of death. Password reuse attacks occur when a hacker gets their hands on the password for one compromised account, then tries using it to sign in to other websites. This means you need to use a UNIQUE PASSWORD FOR EACH LOGIN. But that will generate a huge amount of credentials, how do you keep track of them all? The answer is simple: USE A PASSWORD MANAGER!

Not only will a password manager store your credentials securely, but will also allow you to generate complex and unique passwords. You can also enable MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) where allowed, and store this code in your password manager.

Password sharing is also easy and secure when using a password manager. Big Net Online keeps a separate password vault for each customer, and shares it with them so they always have their most up to date information.

Password managers also have mobile apps, so you always have your secure information, no matter where you are, on your phone, tablet, or laptop.

If you aren’t currently using a password manager, PLEASE STRONGLY consider using one ASAP! Big Net Online uses and recommends 1Password. If you have questions or need help setting up or using a password manager, please feel free to contact us.

If you are an AT&T customer, and don’t want them collecting and selling your data, follow these SIMPLE instructions: “AT&T customers can visit the following website on their mobile devices (while connected to the AT&T network, THIS MEANS TURN YOUR WIFI OFF while you do this) to turn off Relevant Advertising:” If you want to opt-out other phones on your account, you can sign in here from your computer:

via BIG Net Online

The direct links to watch Apple’s October 22, 2013 video can be found within this url.js file: Simply copy the relevant link, go to Quicktime and select “File” -> “Open Location…” then paste in the link you copied. To watch in HD on a mac, this is the correct URL: Enjoy!

via BIG Net Online

The QR Code Generator

Want to create your own QR code? There are many sites that allow you to do that, but this site will allow you to adjust the size of your QR code, which is important if you want your users to be able to scan your code from a distance…
[green_message]Source: [/green_message] Follow me on Facebook at

Download the Best QR Code and Barcode Scanner for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Windows Phone | Scan

QR codes are all around us these days. You know those little scannable looking squares?

Often times they are overused, but sometimes can be VERY useful. Here is a FREE, simple app for your mobile device to scan and make use of them.
[green_message]Source: [/green_message] Follow me on Facebook at

Faxing is sometimes a necessary evil of doing business. For those of you who find yourself in the position of having to send a fax, but don’t have a fax machine or land line to send it, you can use! They allow you to send free faxes (up to 3 pages plus a cover sheet).
[green_message]Source: [/green_message] Follow me on Facebook at