Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sony’s rumored QX10 and QX100 ‘lens cameras’ pair with your smartphone or tablet, pictured ahead…

This is in the right direction of what I have been wanting for smart phone photography! Glad to see this innovation.
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Yet another reason why CrashPlan is the clear leader in online backups…
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Android 4.3’s New ‘Always-On’ Wi-Fi Feature Buried in Settings

Google has made a change to devices’ Wi-Fi settings in Android 4.3

“To improve location accuracy and for other purposes, Google and other apps may scan for nearby networks, even when Wi-Fi is off,”

You can REALLY turn wifi off by going here:

Settings app and tap your finger on the Wireless and Networks option. Tap on the Wi-Fi option, and then tap on the Overflow button on your phone’s screen (the triple-dots icon). When this submenu pops up, tap your finger on the Advanced option. From there, you’ll want to make sure to check the “Scanning always available” option
[green_message]Source:,2817,2422689,00.asp [/green_message] Follow me on Facebook at

AT&T Will Start Anonymously Selling Your Location Data To Marketers: Here’s How To Stop It

You can easily opt out here:

Simply log into your AT&T online account, click the “check to opt out” box, and click the submit button.

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2014 International CES

Don’t forget to register for CES 2014 before September 1st to get FREE registration:

2014 Pricing Registration Fee Structure:
Free through August 31
$100 from September 1, 2013 through January 1, 2014
$200 from January 2, 2014 through January 10, 2014
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Sign up for Copy and get 20 GB free!

Yet another cloud storage service, that will give you 20 GB’s for free by using this link.

Normally new users only get 15 GB’s, but by using this link, we will both get another 5 GB’s!
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OS X 10.8.4 Update Released for Mac Users: Wi-Fi Improvements, Fixes iMessages Displaying Out Of…

Among the many fixes… “The most notable bug resolution resolves the problem for when iMessages displayed some messages out of order of when they were sent and received, which has been a substantial complaint for many Mac users”

I was wondering what took so long to fix this! At least it’s done…
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Google Takeout

If you haven’t already, don’t forget to export your google reader data!

Please leave a comment and let me know what new rss reader you will be using.
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