How to prepare for tomorrow's release of iOS 7 (follow these steps IN ORDER): O…

How to prepare for tomorrow's release of iOS 7 (follow these steps IN ORDER):

On your computer in iTunes...
* Select your device then go to "File" -> "Devices" -> then select "Transfer purchases from iPhone …".
* Update all of your iOS apps in iTunes on your computer.
* Backup your device to iTunes by selecting the "Back Up Now" button.

On your iPhone...
* Make sure all of your apps are updated to the latest version by going to the "App Store" -> "Updates" -> "Update all" in the upper right hand corner.
* Backup your device to iCloud by going to "Settings" -> "iCloud" -> "Storage & Backup" -> "Back Up Now". Double check it completed by looking at the "Last Backup" section just below the "Backup Now" option.

iOS 7 update:
* You will see a little red "1" on the "Settings" app when iOS 7 is ready to be installed. * You can also manually check for the update by going to "Settings" -> "General" -> "Software Update"

Feel free to contact me with any questions or problems you have...

The QR Code Generator

Want to create your own QR code? There are many sites that allow you to do that, but this site will allow you to adjust the size of your QR code, which is important if you want your users to be able to scan your code from a distance…
[green_message]Source: [/green_message] Follow me on Facebook at

Download the Best QR Code and Barcode Scanner for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Windows Phone | Scan

QR codes are all around us these days. You know those little scannable looking squares?

Often times they are overused, but sometimes can be VERY useful. Here is a FREE, simple app for your mobile device to scan and make use of them.
[green_message]Source: [/green_message] Follow me on Facebook at

Faxing is sometimes a necessary evil of doing business. For those of you who find yourself in the position of having to send a fax, but don’t have a fax machine or land line to send it, you can use! They allow you to send free faxes (up to 3 pages plus a cover sheet).
[green_message]Source: [/green_message] Follow me on Facebook at

Sony’s rumored QX10 and QX100 ‘lens cameras’ pair with your smartphone or tablet, pictured ahead…

This is in the right direction of what I have been wanting for smart phone photography! Glad to see this innovation.
[green_message]Source: [/green_message] Follow me on Facebook at


Yet another reason why CrashPlan is the clear leader in online backups…
[green_message]Source: [/green_message] Follow me on Facebook at

Android 4.3’s New ‘Always-On’ Wi-Fi Feature Buried in Settings

Google has made a change to devices’ Wi-Fi settings in Android 4.3

“To improve location accuracy and for other purposes, Google and other apps may scan for nearby networks, even when Wi-Fi is off,”

You can REALLY turn wifi off by going here:

Settings app and tap your finger on the Wireless and Networks option. Tap on the Wi-Fi option, and then tap on the Overflow button on your phone’s screen (the triple-dots icon). When this submenu pops up, tap your finger on the Advanced option. From there, you’ll want to make sure to check the “Scanning always available” option
[green_message]Source:,2817,2422689,00.asp [/green_message] Follow me on Facebook at

AT&T Will Start Anonymously Selling Your Location Data To Marketers: Here’s How To Stop It

You can easily opt out here:

Simply log into your AT&T online account, click the “check to opt out” box, and click the submit button.

[green_message]Source: [/green_message] Follow me on Facebook at